my family and i went on a picnic at pamulaklakin in subic. while listening to the sound of rushing water and experiencing a rare kind of natural foot spa (submerging my feet in the water and allowing tiny fishes to feed on calluses and dead skin cells), the ambience made me recollect the recent events/situation in my circle. indeed, it's like a roller coaster ride for all of us, but with different intensity for each of us. now i won't speak for everyone, but as for me, it gave me a mixed emotion of indignation and delight... spleen because of all the lies and deception of a certain person, which made me realize that i really don't know him at all. had this person been at least honest, things wouldn't be this irksome and disappointing. but i'm glad as well, because i got over this person in almost a snap.
i hope we'll all be able to fix everything soon. this will really put the circle's resilience to the test. i really pray we'll all surpass this.